Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You Suck at Photoshop, Supplemental

A while back, I linked you guys to a new series of videos on The Internet called "You Suck at Photoshop", wherein a surly Photoshop expert attempts to educate the populous on how to use the tool while his life crumbles around him. At the time, there were only four episodes.

Now, there are 10. After the last one is a followup by one of the reoccurring characters in the series. If you liked the first four, check out the rest. If not, then you suck at photoshoplife.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

By now, you may know that they are coming out with a new Batman movie. You may have even seen the trailer. Well, someone took scenes from the original movie and spliced them together to match the new trailer. The author of that post thought it was the original trailer, but later links to the actual original trailer in his post. Even still, seeing the old footage beside the new one with the new audio is pretty awesome. Then again, I'm a bit of a Batman fan.


Monday, April 21, 2008

fuck was i

artist is Jesse Owen Youngs, song is "Fuck Was I"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

well, that sucks

So I guess that's a good excuse to not do it.

I wonder if the vaccine for ladies will work on men.

Ben Stein, You're an Evil Liar

Scientific American has an excellent quickie article by the name of Six Things in Expelled That Ben Stein Doesn't Want You to Know... which summarizes the manipulation behind the Expelled movie fiasco. Fuck you, Ben Stein: you are doing your part in making America (and by proxy, the world,) a dumber place. If there were cause to treat ID or creationism as science, why would you need to be a manipulative liar?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Guess who's back, back again. Tell a friend, tell a friend, tell a friend.

Hey Ladies, he's 22 and single: http://www.bmezine.com/news/guest/20080318.html

I cannot stop singing and dancing along to the Wombat's "Let's Dance to Joy Division": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyCi4CMD29w

Everything old is new again, part 9843: V TV series to be remade: http://io9.com/378520/closer-than-ever-to-a-v-movie-and-new-series

Previously on LOST: What?

Hey, remember Silence of the Lambs? Great Movie, huh? Remember when Clarice tries to bribe Hannibal Lecter by promising him a reassignment to Plum Island, home to Animal Disease Studies? Hey, guess what's in the news!? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080411/ap_on_go_ot/animal_disease_1

I have been listening to JWZ's mixtapes pretty exclusively for the last week or so. They are made of 100% pure awesome. http://www.dnalounge.com/webcast/mixtapes/ They are in fact, how I found that "let's dance to joy division" song. In the admittedly unlikely case that you were wondering who JWZ is, if you're using Mozilla/Firefox, he's responsible for that. http://www.jwz.org/

I may have, once or twice, mentioned how awesome I think Phillip K. Dick's short stories are. Have I mentioned that he was fucking crazy? http://www.philipkdickfans.com/weirdo.htm

I love old world maps, especially old world maps of the old world. Wait, that came out wrong. Anyway, here's a cool site all about strange maps: http://strangemaps.wordpress.com/

Awesome? AWESOME: http://www.yuppiepunk.org/2008/04/a-not-so-complete-history-of-literary-tattoos.html